Don’t miss a single podcast of CMDA Matters. You can subscribe through iTunes or GooglePlay, download our free CMDA app and or listen on our website at This weekly podcast hosted by Dr. Mike Chupp features one interview with brief news and announcements that matter to you.
Reverend Dr. Stephen Ko, a pastor and former CDC medical officer returns to CMDA Matters this week with an update on the Coronavirus. Dr. Rick Sacra, a CMDA member who is a missionary to Liberia and an Ebola survivor, talks with Dr. Mike Chupp this week recounting his experience with Ebola and how God used it to open the door for ministry.
Author and physician Dr. Gordon Chen shares his approach to health and wellness for primary care and for healthcare leadership development. RESOURCES FOR THIS...
On this week’s episode of CMDA Matters, Dr. Mike Chupp shares a live interview he did at CMDA headquarters with Dr. Francis Nuthalapaty to...
Don’t miss a single podcast of CMDA Matters. You can subscribe through iTunes or GooglePlay, download our free CMDA app and or listen on...